Raspberry Pi Projects

Raspberry Pi Projects

1 An emergency rescue dispatch system for road vehicles for instant notification
of road accidents and post crash analysis
2 Design and development of android mobile based bus tracking system
3 GPS based real time Emergency Aid System with analysis of latency in satellite
4 Vehicle location finder using Global position system and Global System for
5 Real time metropolitan bus positioning system design using GPS and GSM
6 ARM11 based RFID access control system with Live Image Capture
7 Optical Flow Motion Detection on Raspberry Pi
8 The design and implementation of circuit breaker on-line monitoring device
9 Raspberry Pi based interactive home automation system through E-mail
10 Design of a solar tracking system for renewable energy
11 A plug-n-play internet enabled platform for real time image processing
12 Real Time Operating System on embedded linux with ultrasonic sensor for
mobile robot
13 Smart home automation system for energy efficient housing
14 Liquid level control of Coca-Cola bottles using an automated system
15 Design of tracked robot with remote control for surveillance
16 Design of Greenhouse Temperature Detection System Based on Linear Offset
17 Design and implementation of a low-cost embedded Linux gateway for smart
home health monitoring
18 Face identification implementation in a standalone embedded system
19 Android based smart home system with control via Bluetooth and internet
20 Automated electric meter reading and monitoring system using zigbee-
integrated raspberry Pi single board computer via Modbus
21 Using of Raspberry Pi for data acquisition from biochemical analyzers
22 Bluetooth communication using a touch screen interface with the Raspberry Pi
23 Development of Fire alarm system using Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno
24 GPS data logger using Linux single board computer
25 Number plate recognition and automatic gate opening system using Raspberry Pi
26 Image processing based Vehicle Number plate recognition and alerting system
27 Design and development of online weather station and data upload to cloud in
internet of things.
28 Web-browser controller robot using the Raspberry pi With this project, we
demonstrate how to control a robot directly from the browser of any
computer, tablet, or phone
29 Twitter weather station Raspberry Pi weather and time station that Tweets the
temperature and the time, using Python
30 Raspberry Pi based Home Automation.
31 31. Sixth Sense Technology for Home automation